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When Should I Contact a California Lemon Lawyer?

Buying a new car is often an exciting experience. You have saved up, done your research, and finally driven off the lot in your shiny new vehicle. But what happens when that dream car turns into a nightmare? If you have found yourself with a defective vehicle in California, you might be wondering when it is time to reach out to a lemon law attorney. Our team at Bohloul Law, APC, is here to help you understand when and why you should consider contacting a California lemon lawyer.

Why You Should Consider Contacting a CA lemon lawyer.

Signs Your Vehicle Might Be a Lemon

Under the California lemon law, if your vehicle has a substantial defect that the dealership or manufacturer can’t fix after a reasonable number of repair attempts, you may be entitled to a refund or replacement of the vehicle.  You should know that not every car problem qualifies your vehicle as a lemon. Here are some signs that your car might fall under the lemon law:

  • Repeated repairs for the same issue: If you have had to take your car to the dealership multiple times for the same problem, it could be a sign that your vehicle is a lemon.
  • Safety concerns: If your car has defects that affect its safety, such as faulty brakes or airbags, it’s a serious issue that needs immediate attention.
  • Substantial defects: Problems that significantly impair the vehicle’s use, value, or safety could qualify your car as a lemon.
  • Days out of service: If your car has been in the shop for an extended period due to repairs, it might be considered a lemon.

When to Contact a California Lemon Lawyer

The best answer is: as soon as your vehicle has a problem, you should consider contacting a lemon law attorney. Just like a good family doctor, a good, experienced lemon law attorney can help you how to take the vehicle to the dealership for repairs, what to tell the dealership, what to expect and how to prepare take your next steps to build a good lemon law case.

Now that we have covered the basics, let’s focus on when you should reach out to a lemon law attorney. While every situation is unique, here are some general guidelines:

After Multiple Failed Repair Attempts

If you have taken your vehicle to the dealership for repairs multiple times, and the problem persists, it is time to consider contacting a lemon lawyer. In California, the law typically considers a “reasonable number” of repair attempts to be two or more for the same issue. However, for serious safety defects, even two repair attempts might be enough to qualify your vehicle as a lemon. For example, let’s say you have taken your car to the dealership two times because the engine keeps stalling. Despite their efforts, the problem continues. This scenario would be a good time to reach out to a lemon law attorney.

When You Are Unsure of Your Rights

The California Lemon Law can be complex, and manufacturers often have teams of lawyers working to protect their interests. If you are unsure about your rights or feel overwhelmed by the process, it is a good idea to consult with a lemon lawyer. They can help you understand your rights and guide you through the process. For instance, you might not know that the lemon law in California covers not just cars but also trucks, SUVs, vans jet skis, motorcycles, and even some motorhomes and boats. A lemon lawyer can help clarify what’s covered and what’s not.

When Dealing With an Uncooperative Manufacturer

Sometimes, manufacturers or dealerships may be reluctant to acknowledge that a vehicle is a lemon. They might try to downplay the issues or claim that the problems are due to normal wear and tear. If you are facing resistance from the manufacturer or dealership, it is time to contact a lemon law lawyer. A skilled attorney can communicate effectively with the manufacturer on your behalf ensuring that your rights are protected and that you receive fair treatment under the law.

Before Accepting a Settlement Offer

If the manufacturer has offered you a settlement, it is crucial to consult with a lemon lawyer before accepting. While the offer might seem fair at first glance, an experienced attorney can evaluate whether it truly compensates you for all your losses and inconveniences. Remember, manufacturers often try to minimize their losses. A lemon lawyer can negotiate on your behalf to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.

Contact a California Lemon Law Lawyer

At Bohloul Law, APC, we understand the challenges that come with owning a lemon vehicle. Our experienced California lemon lawyer is here to help you deal with lemon law and fight for your rights as a consumer. Remember, the sooner you reach out, the sooner we can start working toward a resolution. Let us help you turn your lemon into lemonade and get you back on the road in a safe, reliable vehicle.

Call (310) 525-5116 today and get a free consultation from an attorney the same day!

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